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Highland Manor House
Highland Manor House
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Very Hard Hand Spanking Over Mistress' Knee

9/2/22 10:00 AM16 min553 MBmp41080p
Price15.99 EUR


Miss Scarlet tells Bella to get over her knee. Wearing leather pants, a buttoned up blouse and trainers. Bella has on a white tennis skirt, tight white cotton pants, white socks and a cute t-shirt on. The spanking begins over her cotton panties, fast paced and very hard. Miss has her hand high in the air before it lands on Bella's pale cheeks. 


Bella is told to stand and has her pants taken down by her Tutor. She's taken back OTK and given a continuous hard spanking - this time over her bared bottom. The younger girl starts to wiggle which results in her being putted into a leg-locked position to be spanked even faster and harder. 

Scene finishes of with a couple minutes of hard hairbrush spanking and Bella being put into the corner, bottom out and hands on her hand. 


This is a custom clip. Order yours fantasy at our email address. 

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