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sneeze goddess
sneeze goddess
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Sissifying a Shoe Sniffer Some More

9/29/24 10:41 AM12 min1803 MBmp41080p
Price11.99 EUR


Let's have a girly party! You can play dress up as my girlfriend. I'll keep you down on the floor sniffing my feet in pantyhose in well-worn high heels. We need this girl-time, you spend too much time with your wife anyway! Let her get fucked by a real man tonight while we do out make up, paint our nails, watch romcoms, have pillow fights - you know, just girly things! DOn't forget deep, long sniffs of my feet and shoes! This video is part of a sissification series including "Smell My Shoes Become My Sissy" and "Mesmerized by the Smell of My Stocking Feet."

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