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Pegging the Scientist

4/6/13 3:26 PM20 min365 MBmp4720p
Price23.49 EUR
CategoryLift & Carry

style="color: rgb(102, 255, 153);">Ashlee Chambers sought the help of a weight loss research scientist. He gave her a barely tested formula which made her lose weight but also get huge muscles and a cock. She is furious and calls the scientist over. She rips open her shirt and slathers her cock with the solution and shoves it in his ass to see what the formula does to his body. As she fucks his ass she decides to use her new strength to throw him around as she fucks him in the ass in a variety of lift positions until she finally decides to turn him upside down and jack him off draining all his cum onto his face. Amazing show of strength. Tons of lift strap on positions from this strong beautiful goddess.


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