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Brat Princess 2
Brat Princess 2
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Ava and Kat - Beta gets Humiliated by College Girls

10/17/23 8:00 AM9 min1107 MBmp41080p
Price9.49 EUR


The girls had held a measuring day contest. Where they measure the dicks of boys in college. If they are 6 + inches then they are alphas. If they are not that many inches then they are a beta! In their minds they had known slave fluffy was a beta. Look at him, he’s fucking ugly and dumb. Anyways, they had freed him from chastity before the contest and made him jerk off. LOL This would ensure his dick wouldn’t be 6 inches. They really got him good.

Anyways, fast forward the girls are laughing at him. He feels so embarrassed. Listen to what the alphas and hot girls did to him in school!

Previous clip:  “ Ava and Kat – Beta Humiliated and Taunted about Measuring Day”

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