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Mummification Madness
Mummification Madness
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Starship Encounter: Saran Wrapped! HD

12/31/22 3:00 PM16 min792 MBmp4720p
Price12.99 EUR


Pirate Starship Captain's Log: "Minutes before we leave our outpost, I catch a stowaway trying to access the ship's computer. She gives me some story and begs to be let go. The stupid bitch will do anything, so I'm gonna have some fun with her! She strips BUTT NAKED right in front of me! Everything on show and it's a helluva sight. Gotta admit, for a moment I think about setting her free, but I soon come to my senses...I bind her naked to a pillar with super tight SARAN WRAP! She ain't going nowhere. And when she starts moaning, a TAPEGAG soon sorts out that. And while I'm at it I treat my captive to a vibrating wand pressed hard against her PUSSY! I can't wait for the crew to see this! Wait there my beauty..."

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