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Barbatus Fetish and Training Academ
Barbatus Fetish and Training Academ
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Kaa Presents: The Trouble with Roomies 4K

8/28/23 7:11 PM13 min3615 MBmp45k
Price11.49 EUR


Kaa, Plushies, Swirly Eyes, Special FX, Mental Domination, Mind Control, Sexy Dance, Nude

Look, I'll be honest...up until recently I thought Kaa was a great roommate. He pays his rent, he isn't loud, and most of the time you barely even knows he's around. Sure, I've had some girlfriends complain that he looks at them weird, but...I mean...he's a snake. He probably doesn't even think he's being strange!

But when my partner Jacquelyn Velvets wanted to watch a movie the other day, Kaa's true colors came out! He used his wily serpent eyes to mesmerize her...once she was under his control she was happy to strip and make out with him! I couldn't believe it!

I swear, Kaa takes every girlfriend I get!

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