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2 TINY MEN SNUCK INTO MY DRINK! VORE swallowing giantess

2/16/25 12:05 PM4 min418 MBmp41080p
Price8.99 EUR


I got home from a long day at work, excited to drink my strawberry smoothie. I take a sip it's delicious, but oh my God, what's that in my mouth? A tiny man has snuck into my drink! Oh my goodness! How unbelievable where the hell did he come from? I better check my smoothie for another one, And there is two tiny men in my drink! I can't believe this. Maybe, if they had asked nicely, I would let them into my mouth. But seeing as they didn't, I'm going to give them a taste of their own medicine, Chew them up with my spit and swallow them, Rubbing my tummy after they have been devoured.

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