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Just A Penis

1/11/25 10:05 PM24 min1744 MBmp41080p
Price20.99 EUR


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You greet me in the penectomy clinic and introduce yourself as the best penis cutter in town. I saw an advert for the clinic "Just a penis" in the magazine PENECTOMY DAILY, which advertises cutting off penises with a guarantee of orgasm beforehand. So you open your blouse and are topless from now on because you leave it open. Before we start, I get kicked in the balls 4-5 times as an extra. Your breasts bounce like crazy. After I sit down on the gyno chair, I'm supposed to start jerking off because I'm supposed to swallow my own cum. We don't have all day, there are still a few men waiting who want to have their penises cut off today. A customer has 25 minutes.

While I'm jerking off, you fill out the questionnaire that the clinic needs.
A: Yes, of course, I will call your wife later and let her know.

If your wife knew that your penis was about to be cut off. We'll start with the Burdizzo to clamp off the testicles, that's completely normal, emasculation is the best thing for all faggots. Hold still now. (You say out loud during the castration how good it feels to castrate a man, it is the best feeling in the world, you hope that many people will be castrated. There is nothing better than castration, first make the left testicle CLICK (feedback from Burdizzo) and then the right testicle CLICK (feedback from Burdizzo) and ask at the second testicle if I can feel the masculinity leaving my body. Hold the Burdizzo. Yes, let the masculinity out of your body, I can feel you becoming a faggot.

 Now you come to the penis. "It's just a penis" they are there to be cut off! You explain that you like the feeling when the penis twitches in your hand when you cut it off (with scissors). It feels like the last twitches of masculinity. Every woman should do that once in their lives. There is nothing more beautiful than cutting off a penis. With a smile on your lips and the scissors in your hand, you start cutting off the penis. Slowly, I look back and forth between your eyes and your breasts. I hear a sigh of excitement. It's done, the penis is off, you throw it in the trash can (acoustic feedback). Finally smooth between the legs, nothing more to bother you.

You call my wife. Introduce yourself and explain that you cut off my penis. "It's just a penis" And the testicles are off too! You repeat that, yes, no testicles, no more penis, right! Michael is now Michelle, a whore. She will go out on the street for me and suck one cock after the other, including swallowing... she likes to swallow sperm and sucks like a little Dyson vacuum cleaner.

So Michelle, your wife knows, she doesn't mind if you go out on the street for me and suck cocks. Nicely dressed like a cheap whore. The village hoe. We'll make it official with a kiss. (You turn around, show me your asshole and ask me to kiss your asshole and say "Thank you, Madame". I'm supposed to kiss your asshole a few times and be grateful to be your slut! I'm supposed to shout "I'm a slut" so loudly that the neighbors can hear) Then you send me out onto the street with harsh words and woe betide me if I don't bring in at least 200 euros a day ;-)

Words that are often heard: cunt, cumeater, cocksucker, whore, slut

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