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Miss Dula
Miss Dula
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Clash of the titans

11/30/24 7:19 AM10 min1438 MBmp44k
Price10.49 EUR



I had the pleasure of meeting Squishy, by message he told me he had the biggest and strongest balls I have ever seen and that I was unlikely to bring him to his knees with my kicks, I love a challenge and invited him to my dungeon as soon as possible.
I welcomed him by sitting on my throne and immediately made him feel my supremacy, with my statuesque, muscular but still sexy physique, as a welcome I kicked his balls and by pressing them with my foot I let him know what was about to happen to him.
I must admit that he is one of the most resistant ballbusting slaves, but I am trained and my feet are used to kicking, in fact after a while he was already on his knees in agony, but I kept kicking him and making him feel all my kicks devastating him like never before.


ho avuto il piacere di incontrare Squishy, per messaggio mi ha detto di avere le palle più grosse e resistenti che io abbia mai visto e che difficilmente lo avrei messo in ginocchio coi miei calci, io adoro le sfide e l ho invitato nel mio dungeon il prima possibile.
L ho accolto da seduta sul mio trono e subito gli ho fatto sentire la mia supremazia, col mio fisico statuario, muscoloso ma sempre sexy, come benvenuto gli ho calciato le palle e premendole col piede gli ho fatto capire cosa gli stava per succedere.
Devo ammettere che è uno dei piu resistenti schiavi del ballbusting, ma io sono allenata e i miei piedi sono abituati a calciare, infatti dopo poco era già in ginocchio agonizzante, ma io ho continuato a calciarlo e a fargli provare tutti i miei calci devastandolo come non mai.

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