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Behind or Sideways: The Better Angle

12/7/23 10:45 PM30 min2596 MBmp41080p
Price28.49 EUR


So as some of you know I have a tiny roomate who couldnt get a job due to his size! His name is Zac and hes barely a foot tall! So I decided to hire him and agreed to pay his half of the rent! All he has to do is be my seat while I record for my OnliFans! It's really not that hard. Just lay still and be my seat! He's contantly complaining about how stinky and smelly my farts are but like dude thats your job! It's litterally gotten to the point where I have to tape or tie him down so I can sit down and rip my farts in peace! Anyway I asked Zac which angle he likes better! Behind or Sideways! He said "I dont give a fuck, I hate this job and my life" Like that doesnt help me at all! So I've decided to record a video and let you the people decide and tell me! So I'm gonna sit down in my New Grey Panties and my Brown Pants and let out some really epic farts! Shot from the side and shot from behind! You guys tell me! Whats better! Behind? Or sideways!

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