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Bedwetting Commitment ABDL ASMR Diaper Trance Training

8/5/24 2:54 PM29 min321 MBmp41080p
Price14.49 EUR


Are you ready to commit completely to becoming a bedwetter? Then welcome to my Bedwetter Commitment ABDL Diaper Trance training Session

This 29-minute audio session is designed to help you commit completely to becoming a bedwetter by practicing a new pattern of thoughts and beliefs. By listening and practicing daily, soon you will learn to believe that you are a bedwetter and to wet comfortably in bed at night. With continuous practice you will begin to wet without waking up, further reinforcing your belief and commitment to being a bedwetter.

Audio is professional recorded, mixed, and mastered with binaural beats and sound effects to maximize results. Listen daily for 30 days to experience full effects.

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