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Daytime Diaper Curse ABDL ASMR Audio Training - Listen to become obsessed with wearing and using diapers every day

8/21/24 1:09 PM29 min339 MBmp41080p
Price18.99 EUR


Warning! Do not listen to this session unless you want to become obsessed with wearing and using your diapers every single day until you are completely diaper dependent. Welcome to my Daytime Diaper Curse ABDL Trance Training Session =^_^=

This 28-Minute Audio files encourages you to manifest your profound desire to wear and use diapers every day by making the decision to put a diaper on every morning, and the decision to use your diaper every time you need to go to the bathroom. While this session does not cause incontinence, it will make it more and more difficult for you to decide to wear underwear or use the toilet, until you are inevitably completely diaper dependent

Audio is professionally recorded, mixed, and mastered with binaural beats ands sound effects to maximize results. Listen daily for 30 days to experience the full power of this Daytime Diaper Curse. Stay padded friends!

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