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power girls pro wrestling
power girls pro wrestling
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lift and carry, bear hugs and KO's

12/7/23 2:42 PM7 min384 MBMOV1080p
Price15.49 EUR


Chardonnay is wearing a leopard print one piece and skin colour tights. She says how she is gonna knock Nadia Sapphire out. 

Nadia is wearing black scrunch bum shorts and crop top.. Chardonnay distracts nadia then starts beating her up, smothering nadia with her feet, grabbing nadia's face, taunting her and ruining her make up. chardonnay smashes nadia's head in the corner 3 times. nadia fights back kicking chardonnay in the crotch then slamming chardonnay then taunting her back.. 

Nadia puts chardonnay in an abdominal stretch, cravat and camel clutch. Nadia then shows off her strength putting chardonnay in a bear hug, chardonnay moans and groans in pain. nadia swears and taunts chardonnay. Nadia picks chardonnay up for an explosive tbone suplex KO/ing chardonnay and winning the match.. Nadia then grabs chardonnay out of the ring and lifts her over her shoulder carrying her out of the ring and out of the venue humiliating chardonnay even more. 

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