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The Case of the Mysterious House - Velma Clip - MP4 - Standard Resolution

9/20/22 4:05 AM7 min113 MBmp4480p
Price7.99 EUR


Daphne and Velma are on their way to a ghost hunter's convention. On the way, their car mysteriously has problems and they have to stop in front of a spooky old house. Not having much choice, they decide to see if they can get some help from the house's owner. They find the house open, but with no one home. With it getting dark, they decide to stay the night and try getting help in the morning. While they settle in, the house's spirit is drawn to their presence. The house mischievously uses it's poltergeist power to turn the girls against each other by creating "evil" duplicates that tickle each of the girls, making each think it was the real Velma or Daphne. When the two girls put the pieces together, they attempt to escape the haunted house, but the spirits have other plans for these two would be ghost hunters.

This is ONLY Velma being tickled. For the full video, visit the link below.


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