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The Holographic Harlot
The Holographic Harlot
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Worker Bee Trance

7/23/24 11:12 AM16 min1845 MBmp41080p
Price16.99 EUR


Buzz Buzz, My little worker bee! Come forth and pay fealty to your Queen! I know how dedicated you are to serving Me and the Hive... but I also know that sometimes you need a little refocusing and I am here to guide you through that process. Settle into a comfortable position and allow your Queen to guide you to a relaxed and suggestible state of mind. You will find yourself able to focus on even the smallest of distractions... including that sexual tension you feel building up inside of you. You KNOW that sort of tension is BAD for your work output... unacceptable for your Queen and Her Hive! While you are already locked for Her... She knows that with Her sensual voice and warm, golden honey of control... you will find yourself recentered, focused, and beyond pleasured- ready to return to work for your Queen WET with sticky sweet honey of your own making...

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