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Superior Bitchy Mother In Law Wrecks Your Marriage

9/23/24 10:36 AM55 min8014 MBmp41080p
Price23.99 EUR
CategoryHome Wrecker


Brand new vid! 1 hour of Supreme Home wrecking! and one of my favourites x

Your Wife has been estranged from her Step-mother for years, she was never a good step-mom to her growing up and has deep insecurities and an inferior complex because of this. She has been seeing a psychologist to help sort out her issues and her psychologist has finally convinced her to reconnect with her step-mother and meet up in an attempt to move past her deep issues. However, as the day approaches your wife has started to have regular nightmares of you and her Step-mom having passionate sex.

Her psychologist wanting to put her mind at ease invites your mother in law in for a session prior to the reunion.. she is firstly surprised at how different her step-mother is to your wife, attractive, strong and oozing sex appeal. She divulges to her about the nightmares her step-daughter has been having about her seducing you and then taken aback when her step-mother laughs and tell her thats exactly what she intends to do and more and talks about how superior she is over her pathetic loser of a step-daughter and she deserved everything she got growing as as she didn't get any of her best qualities and is a complete useless, dumb waste of space. The confident persuasive woman convinces her what a deliciously erotic and evil plan it will be to prove her superiority over the moron she produced in such a cruel and visceral way one final time. Together they hatch a fucked up Home wrecking plan.. the psychologist will convince your wife that her step-mother wants to make amends and that you can trust her completely and to prove how trustworthy she is she convinces your wife to let you and your mother in law spend the weekend together.. alone

I dont want to give too much away theres so much to this video! One of my favourite Home Wrecking vids I have made to date, it gets even worse for your wife and when you think it couldn't get any worse.. it does, a special nasty surprise at the end!

This was ordered as a custom and is an adaptation of TheTalkMan's Hurricane Gina. Enjoy!

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