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Princess Nicole
Princess Nicole
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Korean Popstar Reacts To Your Eunuch Body (Post Castration)

2/23/25 12:00 PM10 min874 MBmp41080p
Price13.99 EUR


Hmm, there must be a mistake. I specifically requested a female assistant for my intimate needs. Oh... you're castrated? Like, completely? Drop those pants right now. Don't be shy, show me what a real eunuch looks like. Oh my god, it's even cuter than I imagined! Just a tiny, soft little dicklet hanging there with nothing underneath!

You know who I am - I'm Yun Hee. My shows are famous for being ultra-sexy, borderline pornographic. I need someone who can handle seeing me practically naked, touching my bare breasts and ass without getting excited. With that neutered cock of yours, you're perfect. You'll be squeezing my tits into tight costumes, adjusting my G-strings, making sure my ass looks perfect in those micro-shorts.

Think about what an amazing opportunity this is. You'll be by my side constantly, helping me into the skimpiest outfits, touching my naked body daily. Your hands will be all over my perky tits, adjusting them in my tight costumes. Of course, with that neutered cock of yours, you can only appreciate my beauty in the most innocent way possible. Like a doll admiring its owner, or a girl envying another girl's body.

I could parade around naked, shake my ass in your face, even grind my wet pussy against you during costume changes, and that dicklet will stay completely soft and obedient. Millions of men stroke their hard cocks to my music videos, but you? You'll just sit there with that permanently soft little clit, physically incapable of getting hard enough to do anything about it.

And just wait until my next private celebrity party. I'm going to make you serve drinks completely naked, letting all my famous friends see what a proper eunuch looks like. They'll probably want to inspect you up close - these Hollywood girls have never seen a real castrated man before. Imagine being passed around the room, each gorgeous star examining your castrated state while laughing at your useless nub.

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