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The Magic of Nylon and Feet - Passionate Sex

3/1/25 7:03 PM21 min5449 MBmp41440p
Price16.99 EUR
CategoryFoot Fetish
KeywordsFoot Play


"Feet and Pleasure" is an uncensored journey through sensual fantasies and uninhibited desires. A seductive femme fatale begins her dance with her feet, tempting the viewer with raw eroticism and sheer stockings.

This film doesn't shy away from bolder scenes—intense sex in various positions, footjob play, and many other stimulating touches. Feet become the ultimate tool in the game of pleasure, their touch delivering ecstasy like never before.

"Feet and Pleasure" is a film for those who dare to break taboos and explore new dimensions of physical satisfaction. Will you dare to step into a world of unleashed and uninhibited pleasure?

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