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12/5/24 1:35 AM15 min1369 MBmp44k
Price17.49 EUR
CategoryHand Tawsing


A complaint has been made about Ms Lux. This teacher has been accused of punishing the girls in her car. She immediately admits this but is horrified to find that the parents of the girls have requested she submit to some punishment herself. They propose at least 6 strokes of the heavy tawse on each hand.  The punishment is to be filmed so they can decide whether Ms Lux has Ms Lux has been called into see a very disappointed Head. A parent has complained that corporal punishment has been used without permission.  Ms Lux admits that she has acted without THINKING and is dreadfully sorry for her misdeeds. The parents have suggested that if this young teacher wants to keep her job she must willingly take a harsh suffered enough pain. She stoically takes her punishment and hopes that this will be the end of the matter. Sadly the parents decide it is not sufficient. Not only do they want her to take a further 6 on each hand but they want her to be made to strip naked as well

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