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Emily Valentina
Emily Valentina
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Lust-Fucked - a Love Spell - Mindfuck Gooner JOI 4K

3/2/24 3:00 PM25 min1836 MBmp44k
Price24.99 EUR
KeywordsMind Fuck


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You keep ending up on my clips page, somehow- it's become a subconscious habit, at this point. Let your mind drift for even a second, and your hands always direct you straight to me, and here you are again, staring at me, drooling over me, ready to get my latest release and pump, pump, pump. It'll keep happening, too- the second you start to relax and let your mind drift, you'll end up right back here again. I'm the habit that you just can't quit- but it feels SOOO GOOD! So wonderful, to stroke for hours and let go of all your worries and cares... so hot, to let me take control of your life. You WANT it to happen more. You want to give into it COMPLETELY. So, I'm doing you a favor- putting a love spell, or rather, a LUST and OBSESSION spell, on your cock! You won't be able to stop JERKING, PUMPING, STROKING, EDGING to ME until you fall over from exhaustion- and you'll love EVERY MOMENT! Who cares if you end up even more sexually dependent on me? It's exactly what you wanted.

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