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Buddahs Playground
Buddahs Playground
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Unboxing Your Brand New CyberDoll

3/23/20 3:46 PM10 min144 MBmp41080p
Price10.49 EUR


 This clip includes: Female Robot, Blank Stares, Glitchy Movements, Garters, Stockings, High Heels, Redhead, Ass, Panties, Robotic sfx, Human Bot, Humanoid,Dress, Stiff Movement, Tender speaking, Bright Red Lipstick, Ass Smacking, Dancing, Teasing, Leather Gloves and more

You have always dreamed of this day . Seeing her on a commercial years ago, you knew that your ultimate dream come true would be owning your very own Fem Bot.

You were waiting anxiously at the airport when she was delivered and could not wait to unbox her. The instructions clearly stated to let her charge for a minimum of 24 hours, but your anticipation consumed you and you quickly unboxed her and used her remote to see what she could do the minute you got her home.

 She is the perfect, beautiful, redhead you asked for. Complete with long legs, big breasts and extra soft human like skin. Looking at her one would never know she is even a humanoid. She is adorned in a casual brown dress, leather gloves, high heels, stockings, garters and garter belt, shiny, sheer panties and a lovely black bra. She is truly all you have ever hoped for.

 You aim the remote at her and notice that she is very stiff and her movements are not as fluid as you had hoped for.  You push buttons quickly and she begins to verbalize default conversation while sometimes speeding up and glitching.  “Hello, hello, goodbye, dance… dance…dance…” she says as she sways her hips. She is so beautiful that you don’t even mind if she isn’t performing perfect right now.

You are given the choice to refer to her as “ CyberDoll” or give her a name. You choose to name her Sidney. She tells you she loves the name and it is perfect. She pays you compliment after compliment and says she is here to please you. She even explains how soft and warm her skin is and turns around when you give her the command to do so. She shows you her ass and smacks it a few times with her leather gloved hand

 You notice that she is slowing down a bit and she begins to use the term “ processor overload” repeatedly as her head finally collapses to her chest. Your heart sinks, but she quickly perks right back up as if nothing happened. 

 You decide that it would be best if you lie her down and allow her to charge overnight like the instructions said to do. You can only imagine how happy you will e with her once she is fully charged !

*please note that there is background noise (white noise) that was unable to be edited out*

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