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Buddahs Playground
Buddahs Playground
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Horny and Humiliated

3/12/22 9:24 AM15 min808 MBmp41080p
Price15.49 EUR


This is by far my best humiliation clip to date. If you have any ego at all you won’t have it by the time this clips finished! How can you ripped to shreds verbal while looking at a cute, face and a smile? Here- let me show you! I flash the loser sign and flip you off while telling you what a pathetic loser you are and reminding you that Beta bitches like you never get a girl like me. Tight leather corset making my big tits bulge and a tight black spiked collar only add to my power in this clip. i have never made you feel so low and the lower you feel the happier I am. Complete with subliminal messages and trigger words. Binaural notes make my words penetrate your brain and make me unforgettable to you. Welcome to your new addiction loser. I have included your loser fee into the price of this clip. You aren't getting the chance to back out of that. If you actually cum while watching this video you have to tip!

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