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Buddahs Playground
Buddahs Playground
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Loser Gimp Task and Assignment

6/3/22 2:33 PM17 min569 MBmp41080p
Price16.99 EUR


There is nothing worst than a loser gimp. You have always known what a pathetic loser you were, but today when you hear all of the cruel, degrading things I have to say to you that feeling of disappointment will grow. More intensely than you ever thought imaginable. Loser gimps are unwanted, sissy whores who will suck a dick if I tell them to and even dress in anything that I tell you to. You are the lowest of the lowest and live only to do as someone like me tells them to. I make demands of you. I hurt your feelings and put you in your place and you take it like the little beta bitch loser that you are.You are such a coward, such a timid little fragile excuse for a man. Today you are going to do something. It is something that all loser gimps like you need to do. You will need some items to complete this assignment but if you don’t happen to have them at home now you ill go get them because that’s what little bitch losers like you do. You re going to have specific instructions and will need at LEAST 8 hours to complete this task! No backing out. No excuses. You are a true gimp loser who will pay your debt to society by performing this task.

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