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Buddahs Playground
Buddahs Playground
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He Said I'm Too Fat! weight gaining-chubby-curves-tight clothing

9/20/22 12:56 PM13 min828 MBmp41080p
Price13.49 EUR


* please note that this clip is only available on my Chubby Chasers production clip store, however additional gaining weight clips may be found on my Buddahs Playground site HERE*

Buddah has always been so into herself. She thinks she is the prettiest woman on earth. She has never had to exercise or do anything to firm up. 
This whole pandemic things really had her pack on the rounds! She has a big ass, a gut, and even cellulite!
She showed up to one of her old modeling jobs and the producer said that he could no longer use her because she was too fat and her ass jiggled too much. He even told her that she needs to take notice of her flabby gut.

 Buddah comes home and is trying to convince herself that she WILL fit into her old jeans. She tries to fit her fast ass into those jeans and soon finds out that it is NOT happening. She has definitely in denial and  blames her inability to squeeze into those tight jeans on her getting a new dryer and pokes her gut and says that it is indeed NOT a gut.but instead muscle that just bloats sometimes.

Poor, chubby (and still gaining) Buddah. pulls and tugs and sucks everything in but she can not fit into anything that she use to wear.

She is determined that she is still skinny but we can both see that she is anything but that now !

Be sure to follow me here and on Buddahs Playground as well to be notified when a new clip goes live.

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