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Buddahs Playground
Buddahs Playground
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Homewrecking Blackmail-Fantasy Maximum Level-blackmail-fantasy-men following orders-jerk off encouragement-exposed fantasy play

9/22/22 1:25 PM16 min622 MBmp41080p
Price15.99 EUR


our heart is racing isn’t it? My little blackmail-fantasy bitch must need his fix and I never disappoint. The total power that I have over you is way beyond your control and there is no way out now.

 You may not be man enough to pull off todays blackmail challenge. It is very tricky and you do not want this one to backfire in your face. The risks are high and can easily wreck your beautiful relationship.
 Get this clip. Do as I say. Don’t think about it- wait- how can you really even think about any consequences when I am teasing you with my big titties and telling you to let me watch you stroke your cock. That is why you keep coming back to me instead of her. We have so much more fun and OUR relationship is SO much more rewarding. She can NEVER get your heart racing like I can.
  This is an interactive clip and you will have to send all of the things I tell you to. I will keep them. You know that up front. I will save them for a rainy day when I can use them to my benefit.

 You don’t need to concern yourself with that today though. All you have to do is step up and play our home wrecking blackmail-fantasy game. I know that it it’s scary. Scary, yet freeing. So many mixed emotions go through that mushy brain of yours.
Will you be at work the day that I decide that I am going to use your dirty little secret against you?
Will you be away from the computer when that 24 hour hitlist comes out?  You will be nervous 24-7. Worrying, wondering when I will be there to wreck your world and make any relationship you have begin to spiral down the path of destruction.

 Why don’t you show me you are a good little blackmail-fantasy bitch and give me a tip.

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