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Buddahs Playground
Buddahs Playground
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A Woman Scorned-a shrunken woman clip-shrinking-giantess-sfx-

1/9/23 1:51 AM10 min440 MBmp41080p
Price10.49 EUR



 A weekend get-away. Something that Buddah has highly been anticipating since the very day that her husband gave her an all inclusive and long over do trip to an exquisite resort in Beverly Hills.

 A massage, facial, total peace and tranquility is exactly what she needs. She landed and did a little shopping before making her way to the resort.

 Upon entering she notices that things look a little different and she politely makes small talk with the receptionist who then tells her that the company also hired on new aestheticians. She strolls over to read the names of the lovely new hires when her jaw nearly hits the floor!

 She knew it! It was her. Yes-her. Rumor had it that you hubby’s old girlfriend had gotten a new start by relocating in sunny California, but rumors always circulate in Buddah’s small home town so she just blew it off as that… just hear say.

 Buddah wold never admit this to anyone else, but she is actually a little bit weary of her. Rumors have always went around about her being a descendant of those who could perform the erotic magic of shrinking.

 Her very own husband has even told her ridiculous stories about her shrinking him when he told her he was going to leave her.

 Buddah politely sashayed her way back into the lobby and explains that she has been assigned to room number 8, which ( of course ) is HER room. The receptionist agrees to redirect her to another room and Buddah thinks she is safe.

 Her name is called and she is taken to the beautiful massage room. She calls out, but doesn’t see anyone. She gets nervous and begins to pace back and forth. She tries to settle her nerves by telling herself to calm down and relax. She then sees the light blink off and on and begins to look around incase the power goes out. A crack of thunder rumbles and the lights begin to blink. Suddenly Buddah doesn’t feel like herself. She feels as though she is… she is… SHRINKING!

 Her beautiful 5’6 frame is quickly getting smaller and smaller. She hears a woman’s giggle and realizes exactly what is happening. 

 It IS true… “she” does have the ability to shrink people! The power stops flickering and Buddha finds herself only inches tall. She know that she must somehow get to the receptionists phone to call her loving husband to come and rescue her.

 She begins the long journey to the other room and finally makes it to the phone. Buddah then dials the number and races back and forth from the top of the phone to the bottom of the phone explaining the situation to her husband. She is a tiny shrunken down damsel who desperately needs to be saved.
  Buddahs heart sinks every time the door opens and it is not her knight in shining armor. 

 Finally her loving husband walks in, scoops her up and takes her back home where she is safe and sound.
The next morning Buddah is beginning to get bigger and is standing on the coffee table making conversation with her hubby.
All will be good in the world again as soon as she is “back to normal”

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