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Umiliati offesi - italian story
Umiliati offesi - italian story
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How would you crush filthy insects? #6 ( 2 PART )

3/7/25 1:25 PM19 min704 MBmp41080p
Price17.49 EUR

The girls wear very sheer black stockings and flat shoes. Today they will answer truthfully the questions Gisy will ask them by imagining how they would behave in the situations described. Here are the questions:

1 - When you step on something do you usually just step on it or do you also move your foot?


2 - Can you show how you usually crush bugs on the ground? Do you change the way according to the type of insect? Simulate the various crushes and tell me how you would crush hypothetical very small enemies.

3 - If you could shrink a person you hate, how small would you make them and how would you crush them?


4 - Imagine that you have shrunk to 2 cm so many of your colleagues you hate are scattered in various places on the floor in the room. Show how you would do if you wanted to squash them all.

At this point the girls take off their shoes and continue the interview in sheer stockings.


5 - If a normal-sized enemy of yours were buried and stuck with his whole body and only his face peeking out of the floor at your feet, what would you do to him?


6 - Now act out a scene in which some tiny men are bed you and climb up attaching themselves to your legs. How would you get rid of them? What would you do to them?


7- Show how you would do to get rid of those who have saved themselves and are still scattered on the ground.


8- Imagine that some of them are attached to your feet, crushed by your soles. How would you do it? What would you do to them?


9 - If a fan of yours like me asked you to stomp and beat them 2 Vs 1 together, and then shrink and crush them in turn? Show me how you would do it.





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