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Balloon Babes UK
Balloon Babes UK
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Bikini Lucy Blows and Pops Balloons!

9/29/12 11:10 AM9 min225 MBwmv720p
Price9.99 EUR
Related CategoriesBarefoot,Bikini,Brunette


Please welcome English cutie, the adorable Lucy! Dressed in a most gorgeous little bikini and barefoot, she blows up balloons to add to her collection. Lucy plays with the balloons, bouncing them with her hands and feet. Then she decides to have some popping fun...Teasing the balloons against her soft skin, she uses a bunch of keys to gradually burst every single one! Lucy is so wonderful to watch and a total balloon lover, blowing or bursting!

Level: Glamour

HD WIDESCREEN (1280 x 720 pixels)

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