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Sex Addict Princess Jas Is A Vixen In Bondage

5/19/20 2:25 AM48 min1223 MBmp41080p
Price34.49 EUR


Scene from PascalsSubSluts

On Princess Jas’s 18th birthday she headed straight down to the local strip club to see if she could get a job. She was accompanied by her then boss of, who was the manager of the hotel she was working at as a waitress and chambermaid. He was fucking her at the time. She’d also been fucking the cook and pretty much all of the employees of a certain oil company who had an account with the hotel. In fact, it may well have been all of them, it’s been a while. She’s 30 now. She works as an fucking, apparently, ten blokes a week, in-between wanking from eight to 12 times a day.

Princess Jas has a voracious and, some might say, reasonably indiscriminate sexual appetite. She’s damn fine to look at. Would you like to see her fuck?

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