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Cali Logans Little Clips
Cali Logans Little Clips
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Art Class Expose (mobile)

10/4/18 11:15 PM17 min522 MBmp4480p
Price12.49 EUR


Vonka Romanov is teaching an Art class and she asks for Cadence's opinion on an art piece. Cadence makes it clearly known that she is just in the class for the credit. Vonka has had enough of Cadence's snarky attitude through the course. Vonka gives Cadence the choice to fail the class or demonstrate her artistic self by stripping out of her clothes. Seeing how Cadence is only in college off a scholarship she has no room for failing grades. Cadence hesitates for a while but Vonka puts preassure on Cadence and her grade. 

Cadence begins taking off her clothes and she makes remarks saying that this has to be illegal and that she will be telling her step-daddy about this incident at school. Cadence gets down to her underwear and she gets the disapproval from Vonka. She wants all of Cadence's clothes off. 

Vonka did not know she was going to be getting a visit from the Dean of the school. But there she was standing asking why there is a naked student standing in Vonka's classroom. Vonka tried to explain that Cadence was being made into an example. 

The Dean only thought it was fair if Vonka would be joing Miss Lux in her artistic example. Vonka had no other way out of the situation, even trying to deflect from doing so. It wasnt going to work. Vonka was getting naked for example too. 

This clip runs 17 minutes long with tripping, embarrassed naked female, embarrassment, humiliation, naked/nudity, blackmail fantasy, teacher fetish and the 1080hd format can be found in Cali Logans Embarrassed Babes under the Stripping Category.




*** This story was a CUSTOM commissioned project. Create your own fantasy by filling out the submission form on my CalisCustoms website***




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