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Constances Crazy Cinemas
Constances Crazy Cinemas
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Ultra Girl: Stolen Identity

5/2/17 8:02 AM20 min1700 MBmp41080p
Price19.99 EUR

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scene 1: Ultra Girl Constance and Villain Lady Tara fight around for a bit. VL gets the upper hand and, she removes UG's belt, and she knocks UG w erhold, causing UG to fell on the floor. While UG is out, the VL fondles UG's body. 
scene 2: VL takes off UG's boots, hogties UG and auctions UG off to the highest bidder. UG wakes up struggles tells VL she won't get away with it, but VL doesn't want to here it so  she ballgags UG during the bidding and knocks UG when UG was "bought"
scene 3: VL  puts on UG's costume and shrinkwraps UG's nude body to be delivered to the buyer; UG protest's, but VL  ballgags her and knocks UG again. Again, she fondles the body. But then she leaves because the buyer said he was a few minutes away.
scene 4: UG escapes, and puts on an old UltraGirl costume. VL comes back in sees UG is gone but then all of a sudden UG is back and they fight again. UG gets her belt back, puts it on and  knocks VL w a choke.

scene 5: UG then proceeds to strip VL, tie her up in a hogtie and calls the cops for them to pick up this Villain who sells superheroines. UG puts her regular UG  costume back on, Wakes VL up, bc the cops are almost here, VL protests but UG ball gags her and leaves to go open the door for when the cops come.



xoxo Constance & Tara Tied  Customs? modelconstance1985atyahoo


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