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Constances Crazy Cinemas
Constances Crazy Cinemas
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Wrestling & KO with Jesse wmv

5/17/21 7:00 PM10 min585 MBwmv1080p
Price10.49 EUR
CategoryFace Sitting


Jeese and Constance are in a wrestling match when Jesse falls to Constance’s head scissorholds fast! Jesse turns bright red immediately and TAPS! Again, they square up but Constance pushes Jesse into a extreme grapevine hold! Jesse wobbles, but it doesn’t get far before Constance puts him into a serious camel clutch that makes Jesse’s back pops! She pushes him to his limits by bending him into a pretzel until he TAPS! 

Constance continues this domination with a back breakers, head scissorholds, and even facesits. Jesse can’t even fight back he’s so weak! Then erhold which Jesse KO's.  So naturally Constance pulls out her favorite move, the bouncing reverse head scissorhold called a washing machine! She keeps it up until Jesse admits total defeat! He definitely got beat up, but Constance isn’t done yet! How else will Constance completely dominate and humiliate this grow ass man that can’t even take on a little bitty wrestler??

xoxo Constance & Jesse  Customs? EML Located on Clip Site

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