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Constances Crazy Cinemas
Constances Crazy Cinemas
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Madison Swan vs Andï

8/22/22 8:00 AM15 min1279 MBmp41080p
Price15.49 EUR


Madison Swan, in shiny silver pro-style gear, is going up against Andi in all black. Madison starts off this match with a bunch of trash talking and lots of mat slamming—as her face topples to the ground! Andi belly punched Madison SO HARD that she doubles  over and falls right into Andi’s rear naked chokehold camel clutch IMMEDIATELY! Andi pulls back the camel clutch so far that Madison gives a verbal TAP!!

Madison is suppose to be a veteran, what’s going on?? Quickly, Madison tries to regain some ground by getting Andi into a hammerlock then a full nelson for a temporary fix. She brings Andi down to the mat for a back breaker! TAP! One for one! Back and forth these ladies fight for the gold, with scissorholds, head figure fours, belly punching, and ending it all with a victory schoolgirl pin!! Who will win this match: veteran or newb??

xoxo Madison Swan & Andï Customs? EML located on Clip site

DESC: Misty Lovelace

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