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Italian Fetish game
Italian Fetish game
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Flora vs Jessica: two extremely different bodies compared (SKINNY)

11/25/24 4:54 PM27 min930 MBwmv1080p
Price18.99 EUR
CategorySkinny Women


Jessica and Flora challenge each other in a series of tests of strength to test their strength, power, resistance capacity, muscle fiber ... The two girls have two extremely different bodies, Jessica is very thin, has a significant muscle fiber, visible every time she makes an effort, Flora is very powerful, has extremely resistant legs, her arms are strong and powerful ... the challenges include: Arm wrestling, wrist test, Lift and carry. Each girl who loses a round will have to remove a garment from her body, so as to complete the undressing during the game ... obviously if one of the two girls were to reach the undressing during the game, the game would continue with the girl completely naked ... the two girls are ready, their bodies are compared in numerous capacities, so as to be able to observe in detail every nuance of the body, the muscles, the resistance of both girls ... who will win? the defeated girl will have to submit to the winner, showing devotion and respect towards the champion


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