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Binary Stars! [WMV]

7/15/23 3:25 PM17 min1022 MBwmv1080p
Price18.99 EUR


Authentic, Iconic, Perfect Facesitting Fusion Experience Alert!!!

Randi Diesel has achieved massive strides in her personal fitness goals with great success in shaping, strengthening, and sculpting her body into a stellar, gorgeous, fit form. Further, her depth in understanding The Art of Facesitting on and off camera, modeling and producing, and being both Sitter and seat are matched only by this exact face seat The Universe has manifested to match her with both mathematical and philosophical precision!

The throne now serving underneath her perfect smothering ass in Las Vegas is ideally suited to take, handle, and be subjected to Randi's deepest, most profound, sexiest Facesitting any Sitter or seat can ever hope to experience with total, complete fusion throughout this entire unique union! Their Sitter/seat (S/s) chemistry is as explosive as their fated roles are clear. What this iconic video captures is their first foray into their newfound, deserved, and well earned Facesitting Fusion, their filming journey written in then taken to The Stars!

Witness in awe how Randi Diesel expands, indulges, and masters her already impressive Facesitting style ever further to the absolute pinnacle of Apex Perfection upon her throne that is tailor made for herself, her ass, and their shared, sexy, glorious purpose. The Mastery of Facesitting itself hits new heights as Randi steadily cycles through continuous Smothering styles, genuinely loving every single second of it, as her adorable, playful, smooth voice coos and comments in excited, giggling glee: "Oh! You're so deep in there! I bet you can get even deeper... all into my ass! There we go! Your humming feels SO good! Yeah! Keep doing that! You feel AMAZING!!!"

Shocked by how tight fitted, pleasurable, and tailor made her ideal face seat under her truly is, Randi takes every opportunity to genuinely love every marked face pump, strict face thrust, and deep ass smother she deserves to have received by her worthy seat. Randi's Facesitting is free flourish as unleashed, unbounded, and encouraged to express her adoration of their shared fetish, their rightful roles secured all the way from Now to infinite, unexplored space!

Simply insatiable in Facesitting, they each cannot get enough and it's your grand fortune to have the chance to observe such a stellar example of Authentic Facesitting in this runtime masterpiece!

Luckily for us all, and mainly for you, this is the first in a series of epic pieces, each being a masterpiece in their own right. Stay tuned for more episodes, both multi-angles of this incredible experience and with Randi wearing new Smother Wear. They'll all be celebrations to the start of something worthy of wonder and as expansive as spacetime itself!

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