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Reality String [4K MP4]

8/25/23 4:55 PM11 min495 MBmp44k
Price14.49 EUR


"My face seat will always belong to My Ass! That's what this is ALL about! I own your face with face bounces that drive your face SO deep in my young ass that you may as well become one with my TINY g-string. Once you can shut the hell up you'll be kept deep inside my smothering ass so i can record The WHOLE Thing, hahah!"

"As I grind your face super deep to the flow of my music and record every second of it, it's just GOT to be extra humiliating for you, especially since I can see how turned on you are as I grind your face off! Don't talk until you're spoken to, seat! Even then, don't forget your first priority is have your face shoved deep in my young ass! Hey, that's right I'm talking to you, seat!!! Now take this! My g-string IS your reality, haha!!!"

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