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Delilah Discipline! [4K MP4]

6/13/24 4:40 PM17 min644 MBmp44k
Price18.99 EUR


The Legendary Bossy Delilah shows her owned throne who The True Latina Facesitting Queen is, aggressively and relentlessly Face Riding him into full on submission! Life underneath Her epic Latina Face Smothering Ass is as INTENSE as it gets; especially so when Delilah opens this epic video by smoothing shiny body oil upon her All Encompassing Ass!

Delilah's intent is clearly to indulge her smooth, Latina Bossy Ass in subduing her throne, sucking his entire reality into the scorching hot, ever-deepening depths of her incredible Reverse Facesitting Smothers!

Delilah's verbal domination is unparalleled: While absorbing her throne's upturned face, Delilah describes the action best, quoting her from this epic video: "It's not just about me looking cute! I look cute all the time! But it's about you suffering and your skull suffering, your jaw hurting, and your nose just feeling like it's about to break off!"

Facesitting Fullweight, Delilah continues seamlessly: "Yes baby, this is a facial spa! You as my throne, this is a spa right now! Your face is just getting sunk deeper and deeper into my asshole - just getting fucking sucked up inside there! You know an anaconda's mouth; you know how they suck that in? That's what you are: a prey to my asshole that's sucking you up!"

Perfection! As Delilah securely locks in deep face smothers, she takes selfies, commands her throne to adjust so she can command The Perfect Facesitting on camera, and grabs his hair to viciously move her throne into new positions while keeping his face nice and tight exactly where it belongs!

XTRA: We've added up-close and personal segments at the end of the original clips, proving with each moment that passes that Delilah's Reverse Facesitting and Throne Training is truly Legendary!

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