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spit harassment - mp4 1080p

11/27/24 7:40 PM11 min433 MBmp41080p
Price13.49 EUR
CategorySpit Fetish


Do you think you know what true harassment feels like? Watch this clip and find out just how wrong you are. My classmates Alice and Lola have cruelly tied me up in the musty cellar. They tower over me, their mocking laughter echoing off the cold stone walls while they spit upon my helpless form. As I stand there, stripped of my clothes, they continue to degrade me by spitting streams of juice and milk onto my exposed body and face. With a sadistic gleam in her eye, Alice pulls out her mobile phone and begins filming as I am compelled to masturbate for their sick entertainment. Every second feels like an eternity as I endure their torment and humiliation with no escape in sight.


Du denkst, du weißt was Mobbing ist? Schau dir diesen Clip an und du wirst eines Besseren belehrt! Meine Mitstudenten Alice und Lola haben mich im Keller gefesselt. Sie demütigen mich indem sie mich anspucken und auslachen. Sie ziehen mir Sachen aus und spucken immer wieder Saft und Milch auf meinen Körper und mein Gesicht. Zum Schluss zückt Alice das Handy und filmt mich beim masturbieren.


All conversations are in german.


All productions are strictly of a role play and story driven nature and feature fully consenting participants and established safe signals between model(s) and crew are in continual use throughout the production. Thus, these are pure, tongue in cheek adventuristic fantasy scenarios, without exception fully consensual, contextual and supported by model release to this effect.


You want a customised video? bondagegirls(at)yahoo

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