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She poisoned Angie

2/17/23 12:54 PM9 min654 MBmp41080p
Price12.49 EUR

Angie takes care of her figure, eats organic food. Her friend gave her organic grapes, Angie decides to eat them all. After the last grape, Angie feels strange. After a few seconds, she's dizzy, her throat hurts, Angie wants to vomit it, but she can't, it's stuck in her throat. Angie coughs and has throat spasms, but she can't get them off.
Angie begins to be under her friend's power and does everything according to her instructions, after a while Angie falls on the bed. She lies without her panties on, her belly moving up and down strangely, he shivers, Angie arches. Suddenly she starts getting fucked by an alien!
Angie's eyes go wide and white, Angie's head flashes and she knows her friend has poisoned her to impregnate her with the ALIEN! Angie's stomach is fucked up, her hips move up and down, Angie howls and moans, coughs as something is shoved into her mouth. In the end, when Angie wakes up, she is devastated and distraught. She knows her jealous friend planned it all!

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