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GAME who burps more disgustingly? wmv

4/3/24 10:50 PM8 min300 MBwmv720p
Price10.49 EUR
CategorySmell Fetish

Angie challenged her fan, they sit across from each other and start burping. The game involves burping in each other's faces and the other one has to endure the stench. The winner will be the one whose burp is the most disgusting and the longest.
She shows him her flat stomach and promises that AFTER THIS GAME, her belly will be a balloon.
He starts burps, but his smells is terrible. When Angie burps, it is long and comes straight from her insides. It's definitely gross and long. When it's his turn, Angie disagrees and burps again. She wants to be a winner. Her stench is so terrible that his eyes close as he inhales her scent.
She won't let him burp, Angie wants to do it, she's in a burping trance, she screams at him that her words are the most important and that she decides who does what. Angie belches and burps and he takes it all in. And her belly actually became a balloon.
Angie wins and sends him home, she doesn't need him anymore.

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