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My private clips and fantasies
My private clips and fantasies
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Pill from some fan Hard experience mp4 FULL HD

9/11/24 9:00 AM9 min1442 MBmp41080p
Price13.99 EUR
Related CategoriesToilet Fetish


Today the postman came to me. He left a small package. It's a pill from my fan. He's a huge fan of farting and things like that. He sent me a message earlier and encouraged me to swallow the pill. He wrote that it would be an unforgettable experience and the best farts of my life. I took a chance and swallowed the pill. After a while I felt dizzy, tired and lay down on the bed. When I thought I was falling napping, suddenly my stomach hurt. I felt like something wanted to come out of my ass... I stuck my ass out and a huge fart resounded loudly. But not once... I kept farting, suffering from stomach pain and pressure on my ass. After a few minutes I knew I had to run to the toilet quickly... There was another surprise waiting for me there...

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