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Mistress Salem
Mistress Salem
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Face your Inadequacies Hate Fuck Humiliation Psychoanalysis

3/21/19 12:02 AM13 min1084 MBmp41080p
Price13.99 EUR
CategoryMind Fuck


This is how you come to terms with yourself. The way you face yourself is by spending your money on Me! I know you better than you know yourself. I see right through you loser. It amazes Me how dumb you are. But I want you to stay dumb - I want you to stay stupid - I want you to sty weak - I think it's hilarious! I see how you like to be used. I know you hate yourself. HATE FUCK YOUR HAND while you think about it- the way you come to terms with your inadequacies... you don't!!! I am your demon, the devil whispering into your ear, the little voice telling you to spend more! Dumbass. The really fucked up thing is that you will always be trying to make up for your inadequacies but you have no chance. I love you & your dumb head & your dumb wallet!!!! Just come here & see how soft I am take in the curves of My body hate fuck your stupid hand & just admit it- YOU ARE A VIRGIN. It isn't My fault that your life is a living hell! I am soft, I am shiny & I fucking hate you! I tease you, taunt you, I fuck up your life by turning your brain to jello with My sparkly ass & long legs in shiny leggings, high heels... The only thing left for you now is the lowest rung. Even if you can afford Me there is still the risk you will bore Me & so you stay scared. I can't believe you have NO IDEA how to please a woman yet when you make a big mess of spit hate fucking your hand somehow you manage to actually cum while I continue verbally humiliating you. I laugh at you - you're too scared to even talk to women - honestly though WE DON'T WANT TO TALK TO YOU so now you are tripping out, you have no where to run, no where to hide- you admit it, you're a VIRGIN - well idiot that is why you're terrified. Lurking, spending money, hiding from the truth. Losers like you don't deserve anything sugarcoated. FUCK YOUR DUMB BITCH HAND, HATE FUCK THAT HAND, naked sweating trembling gross pig of a man. Eww!!! It's ok though, you can pay Me more. More. I get it now. I get why you're afraid of Me - I show you everything about yourself that you hate & make you masturbate to it! It's sick & I love it. Cum for your God while I laugh down at you pathetic useless virgin bitch - I know it feels like GARBAGE to face up to your inadequacies so make sure you have some tissues near & remember even though you're a fucking loser that utterly hates themselves at least you aren't completely alone so hate fuck your hand & think about how many hours I saved you at the shrink. Psychoanalyzing you was easier than taking a nap. The truth hurts. The truth is fucking brutal. The truth hates you just as much as you hate yourself. 

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