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Media Impact Customs
Media Impact Customs
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Vonka Nylon And Feet Growth

12/6/22 1:50 AM10 min1900 MBmp45k
Price13.99 EUR


You get home early from work before your boyfriend comes back home you want to surprise him so you go to put on a super sexy body suit and leggings he goes mad for. Once you change into it she's ready to put on the final touches till you feel funny, You don't realize that the boyfriend has someone enchanted the wardrobe and it's gonna make you have a big surprise especially after you get bigger. The outfit starts getting really tight on you, especially around your crotch and your feet, You start getting taller, and then your body suit gets really tight around your neck squeezing it a little making you very uncomfortable and nervous, this makes you cough and has you look down.

SFX shot. has a first-person type of view of you looking down at your feet as you notice they are getting longer and a little bigger.

You are really nervous as to what's happening to you, you keep getting bigger and bigger till the sleeves of your body suit get really tight around your arms till they start ripping and shredding apart riding up to your shoulders. Shots of you in disbelief and stressed out and uncomfortable as the suit is becoming unbearable to wear.

SFX - Side view shot of your feet as they get a little longer.

Your other arm sleeve starts ripping and shredding.

view from the floor where it's the back of your feet/legs and heels showing as the nylon stars shred down her legs.

Then the suit starts ripping to shreds from your back.

Shot of your back as the nylon starts ripping and shredding apart then your suit rides up your ass and your ass gets bigger. Then your feet become too heavy and make you fall back onto the floor.

To her horror her feet start growing rapidly and faster than before, they rip and destroy the rest of the stockings.

Main SFX shots. Use VFX of her soles and sides of her feet as they grow bigger and bigger till they start blocking her in the view of the camera, have a shot of her looking up slowly in absolute horror as her feet become larger than her if possible while shes still sitting down then some of her stocking body suits rips off, the bra and panties and than finally a wide shot of you going through roof and into space.

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