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Media Impact Customs
Media Impact Customs
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What Goes Up Must Come Down 2

2/19/24 9:17 PM10 min1854 MBmp45k
Price12.49 EUR


Velvets has two potions in front of her in her room, she does not know what will happen to her after she drinks it. She drinks the first one, and she begins to grow into a giantess after she walks outside of her house, her dress was destroyed during the growing process so she finds a giant blanket as a makeshift dress for her, she walks through the city in her giantess form for a while before returns to her home, outside her house, she shrinks back to her normal size and got buried by her oversized blanket dress, she crawls out of it and quickly wraps her naked body with the dress, then she walks away with the blanket. Then, Velvets returns to her room while still using the giant blanket to wrap around her body, she decides to drink the other potion since she thinks this will make her grow again, but this time, she begins to shrink after drinking it, she quickly shrinks down and buried by the biant blanket, she slowly crawls out of the blanket and sits on the ground while trying to use the giant blanket to wrap her. The video ends as she thinking what should she do to return normal.

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