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Hit the Mat Boxing and Wrestling
Hit the Mat Boxing and Wrestling
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Irene Silver - Lara Croft POV Boxing Complete

1/19/25 7:48 PM14 min1230 MBmp41080p
Price14.99 EUR


Complete Edition - Cosplay POV Boxing with Irene Silver as Underworld Lara Croft.

Irene Silver stars as "Underworld"-style Lara Croft, meeting with a rival for a boxing match.  Clad in all black and donning vintage Everlast black boxing gloves with yellow trim, "you" touch gloves with Lara and the fight is on.  Lara claims "it's been a while" since she's boxed, and "you"  certainly take advantage!  Lara is getting her head snapped by jabs and hooks, spun around and quickly unable to find her bearings.  Repeated belly punches knock the wind out of her with satisfying grunts, and a dirty low blow sends her to the canvas. Lara just never seems to be able to mount an offense in this fight, as she is dominated around the ring.  Lara attempts to throw some kicks, but is met with feet to the face herself!  After 7 1/2 punishing minutes of getting her ass kicked in boxing, Lara Croft is down and out!

Lara Croft / Irene Silver has finally realized you have taken her hair, and her top, after defeating her in the previous chapter!  Enraged but still woozy from the beating, the fight continues as Lara's rage meter builds.  She's taking punches but as her bearings come back, now she's dishing them out as well, all while topless.  Along with numerous booted high KICKS!   It's payback time and I honestly feel sorry for "you" for pissing off Lara Croft. She beats you down with punches, kicks, and even a vicious headbutt before finishing you off, and flexing for her victory.

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