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Secret Santa Try On

12/23/21 10:37 PM7 min1029 MBmp41080p
Price9.99 EUR
CategoryBBW - Ssbbw


I LOVE getting clothes for Christmas so when CaitiDee, Leighton Rose, and SummerMarshmallow wanted to do a Pajama Secret Santa I was super excited!! I've been wanting cow print stuff for a while so when I saw the shorts I was really happy and I couldn't wait to see how they fit. My current robe doesn't have a tie and I was surprised to see that I got two things, one of them being a new robe! My new one has a tie on it (and cows!) so even though it's a little small I'll still be able to answer the door to get my food with just my robe on. I always need new cute and comfy clothes to lounge around eating Christmas cookies in and that's exactly what I got! 

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