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I Barely Fit!

11/7/23 1:19 AM15 min437 MBmp41080p
Price14.99 EUR
CategoryBBW - Ssbbw


You've been spoiling me so much recently, buying me all these cute outfits, and now I'm finally showing you how I look in them! I only picked 5 outfits because I knew any more would be too much for me, and it almost was, because I could barely breathe by the end. I was breathing SO hard after just the first outfit, and had to stop and catch my breath several times before and during the rest of the outfit changes. I ended up taking way more breaks than I thought I'd need; I was genuinely surprised at how quickly I needed to take a break! I absolutely LOVED these outfits though, so thank you so much for getting them for me! I hope you like them too! xoxo <3 

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