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Fetish Therapy Part 1: Day 1

11/14/23 6:58 PM20 min1902 MBmp41080p
Price19.49 EUR


So I recently had a patient come in with a serious addiction to girls butts. He said that he cant help think about them 24/7! He said that hes constantly fighting the urge to touch and grab them when out in Public! He is afraid that it's going to get him into trouble! He had been emailing me for months asking for help, but I warned him that we would need to do Exposure Therapy! Without even knowing what that was he agreed to do it! Now that he's signed the Contract and agreed to stay with me and be in my care for until cured of his problems. An as soon as he walked in I was extremely suprised to find that he has the shrinking virus. But oh well! Itll just make this alot easier!

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