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Your Magic Plushie ABDL ASMR Diaper Trance Training - Learn to instantly regress to any age you desire when you hug your magical stuffie

7/29/24 12:56 PM24 min273 MBmp41080p
Price14.49 EUR


Do you want to give one of your stuffie the power to help you slip into your perfect littlespace? Then welcome to Your Magic Plushie ABDL Trance Training Session

This 24-minute audio file is designed to be listened to while holding a favorite plushie to install a trigger causing instant regression to any age whenever you hug your magic plushie. Depending on your imagined age, hugging your magic plushie may impact your speech, movement, and potty training, and will cause you to instantly slip into your perfect little space.

Audio is professionally recorded, mixed, and mastered with binarual beats to maximize effects. Listen and practice daily for 30 days to experience the full power of your magic plushie =^_^=

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