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Mistress Salem
Mistress Salem
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Easter Bunny Carrot Castration

3/25/17 7:04 PM7 min598 MBmp41080p
Price6.99 EUR


The Easter Bunny is here early this year with a lesson for you losers! What did you think I was going to show up with, a fucking basket of candy? I slowly peel this enormous carrot while teasing you and enjoy eating small slices of it explaining why I must cut this giant carrot down to size. This carrot is like you. I tear you apart, chew on your insides, dangle you, drop you to the floor. This carrot tastes way better than any cock does! Eventually I get tired of slicing. It's time to bring out the butcher and cut this giant phallic object to pieces. I chop it up, take a big crunching bite off the top, and discard it. This is My favorite Easter yet!! ***WARNING: There is no mention of castration but there is cock humiliation/carrot and cock comparison/ and the theme of castration is heavily implied by the peeling, slicing and eventual chopping of the carrot***

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